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Story Library

Check out our library of broadcast stories... From the most recently released stories to the first ones ever aired.

Just The Facts

by Andy Borowitz

Borowitz boils his experience of being a writer for an 80s TV show down to just the facts.

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She's Just Not That Into Me

by Greg Behrendt

Unable to let a romantic relationship fade away, an earnest and lovesick man admits he turns into a borderline stalker.

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First Kill

by Frank Damico

A reluctant son goes out for his first hunting trip with his macho father.

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Impeachment Day

by Joe Lockhart

Behind the scenes stories of life in the Clinton White House from the former Press Secretary.

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The Placenta Monologue

by James Braly

A man talks about the adventures of his wife's placenta.

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A Grave Predicament

by Boris Timanovsky

A Russian immigrant takes a trip home and tries to fulfill a promise to his mother without her hand-drawn map.

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Man and Beast

by Alan Rabinowitz

A severely stuttering child finds solace in speaking to animals.

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Under the Influence

by Jeffery Rudell

A son's honesty with his parents fails to yield the love, compassion and forgiveness they taught him to value.

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Love is the Best Art of All

by Joyce Maynard

A woman discovers that even the most elaborate holidays can't protect her children from the pain of growing up.

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Crying Uncle

by Eric Konigsberg

A young journalist's magazine assignment leads him to an uncle and the mob.

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One Last Family Photo

by James Braly

Estranged for 20 years, a man's family is brought together by his sister's last wishes.

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The Apron Strings of Savannah

by Edgar Oliver

The genesis story of a true bohemian: two children, one spectacularly eccentric mother and Savannah, Georgia.

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Unpopular In Jail

by Liz Tuccillo

A woman joins a movement but finds herself alone.

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Walk Like A Cop, Talk Like A Cop

by Steve Osborne

A visit to Washington Square Park makes a New York City police officer realize that there's never a time when he isn't walking and talking like a cop.

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by Barry Gibbs

Framed by a corrupt cop, a man spends 19 unjust years in prison.

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Lost in Translation

by Michael Rips

A high school student attempts to pass an Ionesco play off as his own.

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by Todd Hanson

A slacker details his relationship with depression… and couches.

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by Jack Hitt

Jack fights a crazy super that insists he's an undercover spy.

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by Marvin Gelfand

One man's love brings out the worst in his family.

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Cockerspaniel of the Jews

by Randy Cohen

A columnist accidentally offends his core audience. 

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