Masooma Ranalvi

Masooma Ranalvi is a Law Graduate from Mumbai, India, and a Chevening Scholar, with a Diploma on Women in Leadership and Management from the University of Bradford, U K. She currently works as a trainer on issues of gender and sexual harassment and is a social activist. In 2015, she took the bold step to be vocal about her views on the practice on FGM, and how having been a victim of the practice when she was young, it impacted her deeply. She mobilized support to start debate and discussion over the taboo issue in her community. She founded an organization called WeSpeakOut, the largest survivor led platform working against FGM in India and the world.


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Masooma Ranalvi

A Stifling Silence

by Masooma Ranalvi

Masooma Ranalvi decides to break her silence.

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