Reach For The Stars One Small Step At A Time - Richard Garriott 2

“In my neighborhood, normal was still a little different.”

Photo by Sarah Stacke

Reach For The Stars One Small Step At A Time

by Richard Garriott

The limits of a man's physical vision turn into the view from space.

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Extras From This Story

Richard Garriott Podcast 546 Extra 4

Richard pictured with five other astronauts.

Richard Garriott Podcast 546 Extra 3

Kinga and Ronin on their North Pole Scientific Expedition.

Richard Garriott Podcast 546 Extra 1

Richards secret message to gamers during launch. It reads "The Earth Is The Cradle Of Humanity But One Cannot Live In The Cradle Forever."

Richard Garriott Podcast 546 Extra 2

Kinga and Ronin.

Richard Garriott Podcast 546 Extra 5

Richard and his father.

Richard Garriott Podcast 546 Extra 6

Richard Garriott.