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Dispatches from the Moth · Posted On: Jun 15, 2022

Storytelling School with The Moth: Monthly Storytelling Activity Lesson #50

by The Moth Staff

Lesson #50: YOU: “Let it Go” - David Lepelstat + a bonus of 4 more stories from Hidden Treasure: The Moth’s Education Showcase 

This is our 50th post for Storytelling School with The Moth!

For this special post, we wanted to highlight a full episode of the Moth Radio Hour brought to you live from the Education Program’s Showcase at the Bell House in January of 2020. We’ve previously featured four stories from this episode (links and principles below). This month’s post will focus on the fifth story about finding your nerve, leaning in and letting go.

This month’s Storytelling School story is:

“Let it Go” by David Lepelstat

·       Here are the posts previously featured on the Storytelling School Blog illustrating the following principles: 

After you’ve watched and read the story, you can do the following activities: 

Talk to each other about David’s story. 

For each post, we’ll highlight a different crafting strategy for how to make your story compelling. For this post, we’ll focus on YOU. David is so earnest in this story. There is nothing guarded about the way he lets us into his most vulnerable thoughts and feelings. What he wants and what he fears are named clearly, so we root for him without even thinking about it. In The Moth’s Education Program, we often meet young people (and educators!) who don’t believe that they have a story that others will want to hear. We respectfully disagree. If you are willing to be yourself and share your truth, there’s nothing more fascinating. 

And with that in mind- let’s get right into some extra brainstorming!

Let’s Play “Have You Ever”

Raise your hand if … 

  • You’ve ever had a crush
  • You’ve ever kept a secret
  • You’ve ever been afraid of rejection
  • You’ve ever been afraid that someone would like you back
  • You’ve ever gone to an 8th grade prom
  • You’ve ever googled how to do something
  • You’ve ever asked someone to be your date
  • You’ve ever asked someone to a dance in an elaborate way
  • You’ve ever had your caricature drawn
  • You’ve ever watched the movie Frozen
  • You’ve ever heard that someone wants to kiss you 
  • You’ve ever overthought making the next move
  • You’ve ever walked someone to the train
  • You’ve ever kissed someone on the subway platform

Did you raise your hand? If you raised your hand even once, that’s a story you could tell! Find someone to tell it to and try out a draft!

Write or tell your own story.

At The Moth, we believe in celebrating the diversity and commonality of human experience. Often, listening to someone’s story will remind us of a story from our own lives. While you almost definitely have not had David’s exact experience, it still may have reminded you of a story from your life. Get inspired by these prompt questions to tell your own story!

o   Tell us about a time you asked someone out

o   Tell us about a time you went to a dance

o   Tell us about a time you were nervous 

o   Tell us about a time you went to a party

o   Tell us about a time you swiped your MetroCard

o   Tell us about a time you got in your head

o   Tell us about a time you kissed someone special

o   Tell us about a time you opened up and made a connection



  • Celebrating YOU! Make a list of all the times you were brave - when you were afraid or unsure and did something anyway, took a leap of faith. Nothing is too small! Like, perhaps you switched toothpaste brands and found a new one you liked better. Once you think your list is done, add one more. We do brave things every day. 
  • Using the list you created, choose an item to inform how you decorate your bravery badge!
    • If you’re feeling so inspired, wear your badge for a day or post a picture of it to highlight your beautiful humanity.

Share this post with a friend!

And check back the second Tuesday of every month for another story.

Storyteller bio

DAVID LEPELSTAT was a member of the All City StorySLAM team his junior year in high school and a teaching intern for the team during his senior year. He is currently studying to become a middle school teacher and he credits the Moth Education Program for giving him the teaching bug.

Tag on social: @the_lepel 

The Moth Education Program works with young people and educators to build community through storytelling workshops, performances and innovative resources. To learn more, visit

The Moth Education Program is made possible by generous support from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association Charitable Trust, the Kate Spade New York Foundation, Alice Gottesman, and The Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation.

Additional program support is provided by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the New York State Council on the Arts, ConEdison, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

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